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Friday Freakout: Skydiver Catches Premature Parachute Parachute Opening In Plane Door!
Friday Freakout: Premature Parachute Deployment Rips Skydiver Out Of Plane Door
Friday Freakout: Premature Parachute Opening Catches On Skydiver's Arm
Friday Freakout: Surprise! Skydiver Has Snappy Premature Parachute Opening.
Friday Freakout: Skydiver's Pilot Chute Flies Out of Open Plane Door!
Friday Freakout: Skydiver Has Hard Premature Parachute Opening While Freeflying
Friday Freakout: Skydiver Has Premature Parachute Opening While Exiting Plane
Friday Freakout: Premature Reserve Parachute Opening In Plane, Skydiver Saved By Cat-Like Reflexes
Friday Freakout: Skydiver's Reserve Pilot Chute Deployed In Plane With Door Open!
Friday Freakout: Group Of Skydivers Entangled In Premature Parachute Opening
Friday Freakout: Skydiver's Premature Parachute Opening While Sit Flying
Friday Freakout: Premature Parachute Opening & Bag Lock On Big-Way Skydive